If you want to pursue a bachelor's degree in Germany instead of preparing for boring university entrance exams after completing your high school education but don't know where to start, you are in the right place! Germany, which is the most industrialized country in Europe and home to people from various cultures and nations, has also achieved great success in the field of education. It has been a popular destination for international students for many years. You can find over 400 higher education institutions recognized by more than 16 states throughout Germany. These educational institutions offer approximately 20,000 different study programs. Like in the rest of Europe, a bachelor's degree in Germany also takes 3 years. In addition to German, there are also many bachelor's degree programs available in English. In case your language skills are not sufficient, many universities offer German or English language preparatory alternatives. What makes studying in Germany the best choice for a bachelor's degree is the opportunity to receive a distinguished education that will shape your future career. In Germany, you can choose between different public and private higher education institutions. They offer education in various fields, including universities, applied sciences universities, and art, film, and music schools. Afterward, you can fully focus on your goals and realize your potential.




Education in Germany is not centrally organized as a single entity. Each of the 16 German states has its own higher education laws and regulations. German higher education institutions are also quite independent.

After admission, the application deadlines are determined by most universities or colleges. Therefore, it is always important to find out which rules apply at the university of your choice.




 1.Practical Education Opportunities:

Unlike in our country, the majority of education in Germany is practical. Especially in Applied Sciences Universities, practical education is offered intensively. This allows students to gain experience before entering the workforce and be prepared for all challenges they may face in their professional lives.


2. English-Language Programs:

You don't have to know German to study in Germany. German universities offer many programs in English in addition to German. Moreover, if your language skills are not sufficient for education, many universities also offer language preparatory programs.


3. Scholarships

German state governments and private institutions offer many scholarship options to finance your education. Germany is one of the countries with the most scholarship opportunities in Europe. With scholarships, you can not only finance your tuition fees but also cover your living expenses.


4. Right to Work:

Individuals in student status in Germany have the right to work 20 hours per week and 120 days per calendar year. This allows you to finance your education and cost of living without disrupting your studies.


5. Prestigious Universities

German universities are famous for their high-quality education. The quality of education is well above the global average. Studying in Germany is a great way to enter the international labor market. German higher education institutions are highly respected worldwide. Qualifications earned in Germany also have a good reputation in companies.


6. Social Life

Germany is also a center where social life is lived to the fullest. We are sure that you will witness dozens of local events every year, such as cultural carnivals, festivals, and various concerts. Additionally, there are colorful nightlife options and many events specifically organized for students. On the other hand, with its magnificent forests and lakes, you can easily access natural life away from the city.


7. Post-Education Opportunities

With practice-oriented education programs, you have the opportunity to get to know the business world early on. Not only do you discover many things about your future career, but you also take your first professional steps. Where are you headed from there? Maybe you want to stay in Germany? After graduation, you can apply for a residence permit that allows you to stay in Germany for 18 months to find employment. Germany offers many career opportunities, and companies here are looking for new employees to help build a strong economic future.




8. Learn a New Language

German is the second most important language in the business world after English. Since you will be studying in Germany, we believe you can take advantage of this opportunity.


9. Diverse Range of Study Programs

If you have decided to study in Germany, it is possible to study in many specialization areas. We have no doubt that you will find the education program that suits you. Additionally, you can see this diversity in all degree levels, including bachelor's, master's, doctoral, and language preparation programs.


10.  Safety

While many countries have experienced a decrease in security status due to political and military events in recent years, life in Germany is extremely safe and normal.


11. Quality Education at a Low Cost

While education received from Germany ranks among the best in the world, it is also more affordable than many other countries. In most German states, you do not have to pay any tuition fees. You only need to pay a small semester contribution, which varies depending on the higher education institution and ranges from 100 to 350 euros. Many higher education institutions also include a semester ticket that allows you to use public transportation in the region.


12. Open Society


  • Religious Freedom: The Basic Law guarantees religious freedom and equality before the law.
  • Freedom of Expression and Press Freedom: Freedom of expression is also one of the fundamental rights. Moreover, in Germany, everyone has the right to obtain information from generally accessible sources (press freedom).
  • Colorful and Cosmopolitan Diversity: Regardless of your gender, origin, sexual orientation, religion, or personal preferences, you can be the person you want to be in your free time, at university, and everywhere else in Germany. Germany welcomes you with open arms at universities, bars, clubs, museums, cinemas, and theaters. Here, you can focus on your goals without worry.



13. Your Path

Science and research have a long history in Germany. The oldest university was founded in Heidelberg in 1386. Germany has produced more than 80 Nobel Prize winners, with over 70 of them in the natural sciences and medicine. It is in Germany that automobiles and computers were developed, and X-rays and aspirin were also invented. No other country on Earth has received more patent inventions than Germany. Innovative ideas will continue to shape future growth.


14. Education in an International Environment

Germany, as a sought-after education center on the international stage, brings together students from different cultures and nations from all around the world.


15. Freely Travel in Europe

Being in a European country, you can freely travel to all European Union member countries without the need for an additional visa. We're sure you have some beautiful routes in mind. Now is the time to make your dreams come true!








Yabancı Öğrenciler için Sınav (TestAS), becerilerinizi sınava giren diğer kişilerin becerileriyle karşılaştırmanıza izin vererek, başarılı bir eğitim kursu için beklentilerinizi gerçekçi bir şekilde belirlemenize yardımcı olabilir. Aynı zamanda, kaydolmak istediğiniz kursun gereklilikleri hakkında da bilgi edineceksiniz. Test üç bölümden oluşur: dil taraması, temel test ve 'disipline özgü test modülleri'. TestAS'ı İngilizce veya Almanca olarak alabilirsiniz.


Bazı yüksek öğretim kurumları ve kurslar, yabancı öğrencilerin TestAS'a girmesini zorunlu kılarken, diğerleri istemez. Tercih ettiğiniz üniversite veya bölüme TestAS'ın kabul sürecinin bir parçası olup olmadığını sorun.


Bir Alman yüksek öğretim kurumunda okumak için, bir Hochschulzugangsberechtigung'a (HZB – yüksek öğrenim için bir yetenek sertifikası), yani Almanya'da eğitim görmenizi sağlayan bir ortaokul derecesine ihtiyacınız olacak. Ortaokul dereceniz Almanya'da tanınmıyorsa, genellikle bir hazırlık okuluna (Studienkolleg) gitmeniz gerekir. 


Dereceniz tanınırsa ancak yine de kendinizden emin değilseniz, gönüllü olarak bir dil veya hazırlık kursuna katılabilirsiniz. Çoğu kursun eğitim dilinin Almanca olduğuna dikkat etmek önemlidir. Bu nedenle, bir Almanca kursuna karar verirseniz, kabul edilmek için dil becerilerinizi kanıtlamanız gerekecektir.















Berlin Teknik Üniversitesi



TU9 Üniversiteleri içinde dünyanın en iyi Teknik üniversitesi


Aachen Teknik RWTH(TU)



Almanya’nın en büyük teknik üniversitesi


Bremen Üniversitesi



Almanca hazırlık kursu olan Üniversite


Dortmund Teknik



Avrupanın en büyük teknolojisi mevcut


Dresden Teknik



Araştırma ve geliştirme alanından Almanya’nın en iyilerinden


Duisburg Essen Üniversitesi



Almanya’nın en genç vee n fazla öğrencisi olan üniversite


Erfurt Üniversitesi



Almanya’da en eski üniversite olarak bilinir


Mainz Üniversitesi



Almanya media merkezidir


Würzburg Üniversitesi



9 Nobel ödüllü üniversite


Stuttgart Üniversitesi



Dünyanın en yaşanabilir şehirleriinden biridir.







Türk genel eğitim okulları için 11 yıllık ve 12 yıllık dereceler arasında bir ayrım yapılır ve bu da öğrencilere yüksek öğretim kurumlarına erişim için farklı seçenekler sunar. Genel olarak "12 yıllık derece" statüsüyle nihai sertifika veren tüm Türk okulları (özel dilbilgisi okulları dahil) anabin'de "Institutionen/nach Institutionstyp/zwölfjährige allgemeinbildende Gymnasien" ve ayrıca "İmam Hatip" dereceleri, 12 yıllık eğitimin tamamlanmış olduğu durumlarda bile, her zaman 11 yıllık dereceler olarak kabul edilir.

"Anadolu" sertifikaları, yalnızca 11 yıllık okul tamamlanmış olsa bile, her zaman 12 yıllık dereceler olarak kabul edilir. Not: Anadolu İmam-Hatip Lise dereceleri vaka bazında doğrulanmaktadır.

Almanya üniversitelerine başvuru ve kabul şartları üniversitelere göre değişiklik göstermekle birlikte, lisans başvurusu için istenilen belge ve aranan şartlar genel olarak şu şekildedir;

- Lise Diploması

- Transkript Belgesi

- ÖSYM Yerleştirme Sonucu(Devlet veya Vakıf üniversitelerinde dört yıllık bölüm kazanmış olmak)

- Türkiye'de kazanılan bölümün aynısına veya eşdeğerine başvuruyor olmak

- İngilizce eğitim verilen bölümler için IELTS Sınav sonucu

- Almanca eğitim almak için TESTDAF ya da DSH Sonucu


Eğitim almak istediğiniz üniversite ve bölümler  ve ayrıca Ayrıntılı Bilgi İçin bize ulaşabilirsiniz.

