This "Information Text" is prepared by Duygu Balkan ("Piya Consulting") in accordance with Article 10 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 ("PDPL") to inform and enlighten you about the processing of personal data, the transfer of your processed personal data, the methods of collecting your personal data, and your other rights specified in Article 11 of the PDPL. We would like to emphasize that we take maximum care to ensure the confidentiality and security of all the personal data you provide and that all necessary technical and administrative security measures are taken for the protection of this data.

Data Controller Status

As Piya Consulting, in accordance with the PDPL, we declare that we will record, store, process, classify, update, and disclose your personal data to third parties in accordance with the purposes specified below, and we will do so in a manner that is lawful and in compliance with the principles of honesty as a Data Controller.

Purpose of Processing Your Personal Data

Your personal data is processed by Piya Consulting in accordance with the fundamental principles regulated in the PDPL and relevant legislation, with your explicit consent and/or in accordance with the legal regulations to which we are subject, especially as specified in Article 5/2 of the PDPL. Considering the services provided by Piya Consulting, your personal data is processed in our recruitment or human resources processes, business relationship processes, technical processes, registration processes for students in educational institutions, processes for diploma or certificate equivalency, visa application processes, and for the fulfillment of third-party requests to support the Company's commercial activities. The processed data is securely stored in physical and electronic media for an appropriate period in accordance with the purpose of processing. In this context, Piya Consulting complies with all legal obligations, including the PDPL.

Method of Collecting Your Personal Data and Legal Basis

Your personal data is collected by Piya Consulting through various channels listed below for the purpose of carrying out our activities related to providing human resources services to other companies, educational consultancy, and visa consultancy:

  1. Personal data provided directly by you to Piya Consulting: All information and documents you provide to us.
  2. Personal data collected by third parties related to you: Information and documents collected from institutions or organizations that Piya Consulting collaborates with.
  3. Personal data collected through cookies and similar technologies.

Your personal data may be processed and transferred without obtaining your explicit consent within the framework of the situations specified in Article 5/2 and Article 6/3 of the PDPL, and in case the conditions specified in Article 4/2 of the PDPL are met.

Transfer of Your Personal Data

The collected personal data (such as Name-Surname, Phone, Email, etc.) may be transferred to third parties or domestic and foreign institutions that Piya Consulting collaborates with (companies with which we have agreements for human resources services, our direct/indirect business partners, suppliers, independent audit companies within the framework of legal limitations or public institutions or organizations authorized to request these data due to legal obligations, educational institutions/schools, consulates or visa units, accommodation companies, insurance companies, transportation companies, legally authorized public institutions and organizations and their overseas units) within the framework of the processing conditions and purposes of personal data specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the PDPL.

Your Rights under Article 11 of the PDPL

Subject to the exceptions stipulated in Article 28 of the PDPL, your rights under Article 11 are as follows:

  1. Learn whether your personal data is being processed.
  2. Request information if your personal data has been processed.
  3. Learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose.
  4. Know the third parties in the country or abroad to whom your personal data are transferred.
  5. Request correction of your personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed.
  6. Request the deletion or destruction of your personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the PDPL.
  7. In cases where your personal data are corrected, deleted, or destroyed upon your request, request that these processes be notified to third parties to whom your personal data have been transferred.
  8. Object to the occurrence of a result against you by analyzing your personal data exclusively through automated systems.
  9. If you suffer damage due to the unlawful processing of your personal data, demand the remedy of the damage.

In this context, while exercising your rights, you are required to submit your requests to Piya Consulting in "written" form or through the methods determined by the PDPL. At this stage, it is required that your requests be submitted in writing. Therefore, you can personally apply to Piya Consulting at the address Spolova 288/5, 602 00 Brno - Czech Republic, along with identity documents to identify yourself, with your written petition containing explanations regarding the right you want to use, send an email to, or send your request to Piya Consulting via notary or secure electronic signature. By making transactions on Piya Consulting's website before completing your application, you are deemed to have read and accepted the Personal Data Protection Policy Statement and to have given your consent to the processing and sharing of your personal data obtained through the website and webpages.
