Agency Employment

Are you expanding your operation?
Are you looking for a temporary employee?
Do you need long-term workers?
Would you like to upgrade the permanent employee status during an uncertain period?
Do you need to suddenly increase the number of workers during holidays, illnesses, or seasonal increases?


As the Piya Consulting team, we offer comprehensive services in many areas. You don't have to worry about anything when working with us and our employees! We select and hire employees from our databases or according to requirements. We will test employees (e.g. manual skills, language levels, vision, literacy, professional prerequisites) and provide employee testing for skills expansion through training. We can also take care of certifications and licenses (e.g. source, VZV driver, operators...) and assist with transportation or accommodation on site. We will solve paperwork, visa processes, or residency issues immediately. We take care of employees, monitor them, and solve problems IMMEDIATELY!

We can be with you tomorrow! Our goal is to fill vacant positions. After the framework agreement is concluded, we will secure the workers under predetermined and agreed conditions. We can deliver the necessary workers in order of the day. In case of illness or absenteeism, we will provide a backup worker to avoid disrupting your operation.



You will be relieved of administrative burden
Clear accounting - a single cost item
You will not risk selecting the wrong employee
Transfer human resources concerns to us
We comprehensively address issues related to hiring, evaluation, and termination of employment.


You can contact us for more detailed information.
